Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
What the technical words in breach disclosure letters mean: When companies tell you your data was stolen, it’s not always clear what really happened. Here’s what the terms mean. CNet, December 21, 2016
Cyber Privacy
Clever Facebook Hack Reveals Private Email Address of Any User: Christmas came early for Facebook bug bounty hunter Tommy DeVoss who was paid $5,000 this week for discovering a security vulnerability that allowed him to view the private email addresses of any Facebook user.
Cyber Security News of the Week, December 25, 2016

Cyber Security News of the Week, December 18, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
Yahoo says 1 billion user accounts were hacked: Yahoo said Wednesday that more than 1 billion user accounts — meaning most of the Internet giant’s customers worldwide — were hacked in 2013, leading to the release of user names, telephone numbers, dates of birth and other personal information.
Cyber Security News of the Week, December 11, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Cyber Privacy
The Future of Privacy: This is an article from Turning Points, a magazine that explores what critical moments from this year might mean for the year ahead.William Gibson, The New York Times, December 6, 2016
Cyber Defense
How to avoid online shopping fraud this holiday season: As e-commerce takes more of Americans’ shopping dollars, the opportunity for web-based fraud increases.
Cyber Security News of the Week, December 4, 2016
Cyber Security News of the Week, November 27, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
Michigan State University confirms data breach of server containing 400,000 student, staff records: Michigan State University is confirming that someone breached a database containing 4000 student records. WXYZ, November 18, 2016
Cyber Privacy
Navy Reports Data Breach After HP Laptop Compromised: The US Navy is warning more than 130,000 sailors of a data breach, after a laptop belonging to an employee of Navy contractor Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. was compromised.
Cybersecurity News of the Week, November 20, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Cyber Privacy
Firefox Focus: Private iOS browsing made easy: Mozilla has released Firefox Focus, an iOS app that lets you browse the Internet without having to worry who’s tracking your online activity. HelpNetSecurity, November 18, 2016
Signal encryption app sees 400 percent boost after election: The co-founder of Open Whisper Systems says installations of its app have increased four-fold since November 8. CNet, November 18, 2016
8 Public Sources Holding ‘Private’ Information: Personal information used for nefarious purposes can be found all over the web – from genealogy sites to public records and social media.
Has Your Password Been Pwned?
Cybersecurity News of the Week, November 13, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Cyber Update
Patch Tuesday, 2016 U.S. Election Edition: Let’s get this out of the way up front: Having “2016 election” in the headline above is probably the only reason anyone might read this story today. It remains unclear whether Republicans and Democrats can patch things up after a bruising and divisive election, but thanks to a special Election Day Patch Tuesday hundreds of millions of Adobe and Microsoft users have some more immediate patching to do.
Make Your Smartphone Secure

We focus a lot on network and computer security. But what should you be doing to keep your smartphone secure?
New smartphones may cost $700 or more, but that is nothing compared to the value of the data stored on your phone. Identity theft alone will cost you more than $1500 and a huge amount of time to fix.
Cybersecurity News of the Week, November 6, 2016

Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
IRS and Security Summit partners expand identity theft safeguards for 2017: As the IRS, taxpayers, and tax practitioners get ready for the 2017 tax filing season, the IRS touted the successes that it and its Security Summit partners have had in reducing tax return identity theft during the 2016 filing season and described how it will expand its efforts in the fight for 2017 (IR-2016-144). Security Summit partners include state tax authorities, tax preparation businesses (including tax preparation software companies), and banks.