Cyber Security Expertise
Cyber-Security is a commonly-used phrase right now, and for good reason. There have been ransomware attacks, breaches, identity theft and more on a regular basis. In light of these incidents and ones that haven’t even occurred yet, it is imperative that every business has adequate cyber-security measures in place.
With AxiGuard, our clients already have many cyber-security tools that protect their business including anti-virus, Windows security patching, application security patching and updating, computer encryption and security policies for changing passwords on a regular basis, preventing unintended applications for being installed and locking the computer during periods of inactivity.
Clients also have the option to add other cyber-security services such as firewalls, disaster recovery/business continuity (BDR), website security management and WiFi security to AxiGuard. All of these services are highly recommended and the vast majority of AXICOM clients do have them because if they didn’t, their businesses would be especially vulnerable.
AXICOM now offers another layer of enhanced cyber-security measures which both educate and protect users in their IT environment including additional training, web content security, and physical security.
Jake Nonnemaker is available for speaking engagements on cyber-security to your organization. He has spoken to the City of Westlake Village, the Board of Special Districts of Ventura County and the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce among other groups and organizations.