Protecting Your Business from Russian Cyberattacks

Even though the war in Ukraine is thousands of miles and a continent away, there are some issues that could affect American businesses and American citizens.

Anne Neuberger, the White House Deputy National Security Adviser for cyber and emerging technology, has warned American businesses that Russia could launch cyberattacks against US companies as the war in Ukraine continues.

Electronics Waste Recycling Event at TO High School – This Saturday

Thousand Oaks High School Electronics Waste Recycling Event

Where: 2323 N Moorpark Rd Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

When: Saturday Jan 25, 2020

Event Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm

Check your office, home, and garage for disused electronics you wish to safely dispose of and join us Saturday January 25, 2020. You will be able to recycle your items for FREE. Get rid of old items that could be harmful to the environment if not disposed of responsibly.

Killer Tech: Mobile Phones and Driving

"My dad has always had a heart for people,” recalls Jenn Barrett. “I’m glad that he lived a life that mattered.”  Jenn was speaking about her father, Murray Barrett. From all reports, Murray had a selfless heart of gold.  He served his country as a U.S. Marine pilot and later taught mathematics to middle schoolers .  Married for 32 years, Murray and his wife, Dianne, had 4 children.

LastPass Settings for Optimal Security

A password manager is a must-have weapon in your security and privacy arsenal.  There are a few password managers available and my advice is to pick one and learn how to use it.  My preference is LastPass which is a more mature product, has great security practices and is very transparent in their security practices.

Staying current by following AXICOM

It’s no secret that cyber-crooks prey on people’s ignorance.  They just hope that you are un-informed enough to click on an email link or attachment which infects your computer with malware that encrypts your data for an expensive ransom or pops up fake virus warnings to lure you into paying for a virus clean-up that you don’t need.

Make Your Smartphone Secure

We focus a lot on network and computer security.  But what should you be doing to keep your smartphone secure?

New smartphones may cost $700 or more, but that is nothing compared to the value of the data stored on your phone.  Identity theft alone will cost you more than $1500 and a huge amount of time to fix.