
Easy Office Keyboard Shortcuts

When working in Microsoft Office applications, moving your hand from your keyboard to your mouse and back is a disruption to your momentum and reduces your productivity. Keeping your hands on your keyboard will give you a nice productivity boost. They are used primarily to invoke special functions in Microsoft Word, Excel and other Office apps such as bolding words or sentence, without resorting to the mouse to select menu items.

Video Games and Families

Kids love video games but too much can create a stress within the family. In this episode, Jake discusses what families need to know regarding video games and other media. He also shares the tools he uses to help choose the right age-appropriate video games, how to effectively limit screen time, using video games as an incentive tool and engaging in other activities to create balance.

Increase Your Social Media Reach with Hashtags

You see hashtags all the time but do you know why they can help you grow your business? You may have a vague notion of what a hashtag is but hashtags can be a powerful tool to get more people viewing your social media posts. In this episode, Jake discusses how to make hashtags and use them to drive traffic to your social media properties.

Jake’s Blog: Intellivision and the Blue Sky Rangers

The year 1980 was a wondrous time, both culturally and technologically. Blondie's "Call Me" was on the radio, "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" was in the movie theatres, and Asteroids was in the arcade. My school had a computer lab filled with Apple II computers and I spent lunch time playing and trading games with my friends in the lab.