Individuals at Risk
Cyber Defense
Google game teaches kids about online safety: Talking to kids about online safety is a difficult undertaking for many adults, and making the lessons stick is even harder. HelpNetSecurity, June 9, 2017
Cyber Warning
Say hello to Dvmap: The first Android malware with code injection: A powerful Android trojan with novel code injection features that posed as a game was distributed through the Google Play Store before its recent removal.
Cyber Security News of the Week, June 11, 2017
Cyber Security News of the Week, June 4, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Cyber Privacy
Little users can do as thousands of enterprise apps found to be exposing data on back-end servers. Something is going badly wrong with the way the mountain of big data generated by enterprise mobile apps is being stored on back-end servers, a new analysis has shown.
Cyber Security News of the Week, May 28, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Cyber Fraud
Google Just Killed What Might Be The Biggest Android Ad Fraud Ever: Google has thrown more than 40 apps out of its Play store after it emerged they were quietly forcing Android users to click on ads. As the apps been downloaded as many as 36 million times, security researchers said it appeared to be the biggest ever case of ad fraud perpetrated via Google Play and probably the most successful malware in terms of installs from the official store.
Cyber Security News of the Week, May 21, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
Fraudsters Exploited Lax Security at Equifax’s TALX Payroll Division: Identity thieves who specialize in tax refund fraud had big help this past tax year from Equifax, one of the nation’s largest consumer data brokers and credit bureaus.
Cyber Security News of the Week, May 14, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Cyber Update
HP issues fix for ‘keylogger’ found on several laptop models:
A security researcher says an audio driver is recording every keystroke entered, accessible to any person or malware that knows where to look. ZDNet, May 12, 2017
Emergency Fix for Windows Anti-Malware Flaw Leads May’s Patch Tuesday: Adobe and Microsoft both issued updates today to fix critical security vulnerabilities in their software.
LastPass Settings for Optimal Security
A password manager is a must-have weapon in your security and privacy arsenal. There are a few password managers available and my advice is to pick one and learn how to use it. My preference is LastPass which is a more mature product, has great security practices and is very transparent in their security practices.
Cyber Security News of the Week, May 7, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
Identity Theft Protection: 10 Ways To Secure Your Personal Data: I was recently the victim of a hack. My identity was impersonated and the information was used to steal my personal data from GoDaddy. How could this happen I asked myself? The cybercriminal got hold of my social security number, used it to locate my credit card number from my bank, then used that credit card number to access my GoDaddy profile by socially engineering a customer service representative embedded at the hosting giant’s offices.
Cyber Security News of the Week, April 30, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Cyber Warning
New Android vulnerability found. Millions of phones discovered at risk from hackers: All is not well in Google Play. A group of researchers has determined that hundreds of apps in the store have a gaping security hole that potentially allows hackers to implant malware and steal data from millions of Android smartphones.
Cyber Security News of the Week, April 23, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Cyber Privacy
Cybersecurity for the People: How to Protect Your Privacy at a Protest: Planning on going to a protest? You might not be aware that just by showing up, you can open yourself up to certain privacy risks — police often spy on protesters, and the smartphones they carry, and no matter how peaceful the demonstration, there’s always a chance that you could get detained or arrested, and your devices could get searched.
Cyber Security News of the Week, April 16, 2017
Individuals at Risk
Identity Theft
9 Ways To Protect Your Aging Parent From Identity Theft: When Peter’s father became too infirm to live independently, Peter took on the job of moving him into an assisted living facility. Using his power of attorney, Peter then began to dig into his father’s financial records.